Fees are based on 4 ten-week term per year and payable by term.
Payment may be made
- in a single payment at the BEGINNING of the term, or
- in 2 instalments: at the end of 1 1 and the end of week 5.
Missed classes can be made up if an alternate class is available.
One week's notice is required, in writing, if a student intends to cease their training.
Students missing three consecutive classes without prior arrangement with the teacher, will jeopardize their position in the class.
A lengthy absence without prior arrangement is considered as
- being detrimental to the student's professional development
- likely to result in falling behind their peers in the class
- being unfair to students and teacher to have to repeat work already learned.
Special note to students
Ransley Ballet & Dance centre requires that students consult with the Principal Drector to obtain permission ot attend classes outside the Ransley Ballet & Dance Centre.
Ransley Ballet & Dance Centre comprises a faculty of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers who have their students' best interest at heart. It is expected that students will reciprocate this with loyalty to Ransley Ballet & Dance Centre and its teachers
Consent - Parent / Guardians
When completing the Ransley Ballet & Dance Centre's Enrolment form, including online, Parents/Guardians are required to confirm the student is in good health and may participate in dance activities at the studios by signing the forms. Any medical condition(s) must also be identified and consent given in case of an emergency requiring medical treatment or treatment at a hospital facility, failure to provide this information is of the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Parents/Guardians (or the emergency contact) will always be contacted first before any action is taken, unless life threatening. All information is kept confidential.
The Parent/Guardian is responsible to inform the Principal of any injury that has occurred outside of the studio prior to attendance, supported by a Doctors Certificate. Students who inform a teacher upon arrival in class of an injury will not be permitted to participate until such notification has been confirmed by either Parent /Guardian or Doctor's Certificate. Unreported injuries are at the detriment and full accountability lies with the Parent/Guardian/Student.
Child Safety.
Parents are responsible for their child's behaviour and safety at all times whilst on the premises. Students and their siblings are not permitted in the studios whilst other classes are in progress. The teaching faculty are not responsible for students or their siblings playing unsupervised in the waiting room, stairs or car park.
Please be on time when collecting students at the end of their classes no later than 15 minutes at the conclusion of their class.
Your privacy is important to us. Please read this notice which explains how we protect your privacy, the choices you can make and the way your information is collected and used. The information that may be collected by Us are: Name; DoB; Age, Address; Email address; Phone number(s); IP Address.
We will not
- collect sensitive information via the web site, your information is protected both online and off-line
- use the collected information for any other purpose than in the context of any discussion and information exchange with you while your child attends Ransley Ballet & Dance Centre
- share any information we collect with any third parties unless required by law.
Ransley Ballet & Dance Centre and its teachers will always act in accordance with their duty of care obligations. Parents and students, by signing the enrolment form acknowledge that the activities are of physical nature and as such carry the risks of injury and students also have an obligation to take every action to avoid incurring any injury.